Grace Episcopal Church

Walk in Love.
Grow in Grace.

Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church
in Sheffield, Alabama.

Grace is a Christ-centered Community devoted to Servant Ministry and Spiritual Growth. We come from different backgrounds, live in different parts of the Shoals, and have different opinions about a lot of things. We hold in common our love for Jesus, our commitment to care for one another and our neighbors, and our desire to learn about God and grow more deeply in faith.

Find us at 103 Darby Avenue. Sheffield, AL 35660

Worship With Us

We gather on Sunday for Holy Eucharist: Scripture readings, a sermon, and prayers followed by Communion. The worship service lasts about one hour. Not only members, but visitors, newcomers, and active participants worship with us every week, especially on holy days like All Saints’, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Easter.

Sunday Worship – 9:30 AM

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About Us

Visitors describe Grace as warm, accepting, and full of love. We do all that we can, with God’s help, to live up to those words! At Grace, we value community (our relationships with God, with one another, and with our neighbors), serving others (outreach and pastoral care), and spiritual growth (worship, education, and prayer).

Grace was founded in downtown Sheffield in 1887. In 1967, we moved to our present location in the heart of the Shoals, about as close as you can get to where Sheffield, Tuscumbia, Muscle Shoals, and Florence meet. Grace is one of three Episcopal congregations in our area, along with Trinity and St. Bartholomew’s in Florence. You can learn more about the Episcopal Church in Alabama by visiting 

As Grace looks toward the future, we want to strengthen our bonds with Jesus and with one another – especially among visitors, newcomers, and seekers. We want to engage the larger Shoals community in meaningful ways, both through acts of service and through events geared toward the public at large. Finally, as our youngest members enter high school and college, we want to nurture and support a new generation of children. We are committed to praying for and making space for families and parents of all kinds who seek to raise their children in an environment where they will come to know the unconditional love of God through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and through the acceptance and encouragement of a community of faith.

We look forward to meeting you!

Your Generosity Has an Impact


Learn what’s going on around Grace Episcopal Church

Neighborhood Bonfire and Burning of the Greens

Sunday, January 5, Outdoors at Grace: bring your Christmas trees, wreaths, and greenery to add to our Epiphany Bonfire. Music, s’mores, and New Year’s prayers for the whole neighborhood. 

Grace Hosts Home Free Haven

Friday, January 10, 4 PM – Saturday, January 11, 7 AM:

Home Free Haven guests will spend the night in Grace’s Parish Hall. Volunteers are needed to set up cots, make dinner, spend the night, and clean up the next day.

“Christian Identity” Epiphany & Lent study groups

Begins Sunday, January 19 and includes both in-person and online options. Adults will focus on identity and ethics and youth will focus on identity and spiritual practices. Contact Danielle or sign up here: 

Contact Us

Mailing Address

PO Box 838 Sheffield, AL 35660

Office Hours

M & T: 10 AM – 3 PM
W: 10 AM – 6 PM
Th: 10 AM – 1 PM

Contact Info
